
Discover our solar system

Get to know all the 8 planets and 20 moons of our amazing solar system. Each has its own gravity depending on its size. Deimos is a tiny moon of Mars. Jumping there would take you over a kilometer in the sky!

Discover new worlds

We have landed only on the Moon, Mars, Venus and Titan so far. All the other worlds are waiting for your exploration.

Cute company

Astronaut Nick will accompany you on all your space missions.

Do you want to build a solar system model?

Use the integrated calculator which can help you with scaling planet sizes and their distances.

How it works

Directly from the homescreen you can go to a randomly selected celestrial body and jump right away after you called the astronaut. Interrupt any long jump by pressing the "Stop jump" button. Select another planet with the left and right arrow keys. You will always proceed in the correct order from inner planets and moons to the outer planets and their moons.

how it works

Planet jump screenshots

Your tiny astronaut buddy will be with you every jump of the way, cheering you on as you defy gravity and common sense. So, what are you waiting for? The cosmos is your playground!

Compare sizes and distances

Earth is tiny compared with the biggest planet Jupiter. Jupiter has 11 times the size of Earth. But our Sun is 10 times as big as Jupiter.

solar System
Galilean moons

Oh, so many moons to explore

Our biggest planet Jupiter has already 95 moons. The biggest moons are also called the Galilean moons because they were discovered by Galileo Galilei in 1610. They are called: IO, Europa, Ganymede and Callisto.

Some moons are bigger then planets

The Jupiter moon Ganymede and the Saturn moon Titan are bigger then the planet Mercury and larger then our own moon.

solar System

You might ask yourself.. do you know what the surface of Ganymede looks like? How do you calculate the hangtime for a jump?

Ganymede Screenshot

Download Jump on planets and moons

Discover our solar system by jumping on all 8 planets and 20 moons.

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