Berlin illustration

About etoto

Etoto is a box word from E(ike) and Ot(t)o, who lives and works as a freelance user experience and user interface designer in Berlin. A long time ago he developed small games with Adobe Director. Ever since Adobe discontinued this great product in 2017, he was looking for alternatives.

In 2019 the Covid-19 epidemic broke out and at the beginning of 2020 many companies were so unsettled that projects were stopped or paused and freelance work was hard to find. Without new assignments, he suddenly had (too) much free time and was looking for new challenges.

Luckily Apple released a new GUI framework called SwiftUI in 2019 and Eike plunged into app development. A few small unpublished applications later, Eike will finally be ready to publish his first application, the Katzen Calculator, in 2023.

There is still a lot of testing ahead and he did not even start the approval process, so it might still take a while.

Copyright @2023 etoto. All Rights Reserved by Eike Otto